studio gambo

Naming e sistema de identidade visual desenvolvido para o estúdio de arquitetura de Eduardo Beneduzi, arquiteto de ascendência italiana e dono de um traço contemporâneo em seus projetos. O nome Gambo é a tradução da palavra Caule em italiano e representa a conexão entre os nutrientes do solo e as outras partes de uma planta, como uma analogia às conexões que a arquitetura faz entre o espaço e as necessidades humanas de uso e moradia.

A identidade visual faz uso de formas de expressão visual que conectam o antigo e o atual, com uma linguagem visual que transita através da experimentação artística e se conecta com a autenticidade dos projetos do arquiteto.

Naming and visual identity system developed for the architecture studio of Eduardo Beneduzi, architect of Italian descent and owner of a contemporary trace in his projects. The name Gambo is the translation of the word Stem in Italian and represents the connection between the nutrients in the soil and the other parts of a plant, as an analogy to the connections that architecture makes between space and the human needs of use and habitation.

The visual identity makes use of forms of visual expression that connect the ancient and the current, with a visual language that transits through artistic experimentation and connects with the authenticity of the architect’s projects.

studio gambo

Naming and visual identity system developed for the architecture studio of Eduardo Beneduzi, architect of Italian descent and owner of a contemporary trace in his projects. The name Gambo is the translation of the word Stem in Italian and represents the connection between the nutrients in the soil and the other parts of a plant, as an analogy to the connections that architecture makes between space and the human needs of use and habitation. 

The visual identity makes use of forms of visual expression that connect the ancient and the current, with a visual language that transits through artistic experimentation and connects with the authenticity of the architect's projects.  

[ Design and Naming team ] Luiza Reckziegel: graphic design, naming and portfolio assembly; Laura Thomas Horn: motion graphics and naming; Mariana Sartori: graphic design, naming and illustration; Rodrigo Brod: creative direction naming; Vagner Zarpellon: creative direction, naming and attendance.

[ Design and Naming team ] Luiza Reckziegel: graphic design, naming and portfolio assembly; Laura Thomas Horn: motion graphics and naming; Mariana Sartori: graphic design, naming and illustration; Rodrigo Brod: creative direction naming; Vagner Zarpellon: creative direction, naming and attendance.

[ Equipe de Design ] Luiza Reckziegel: design gráfico, processo de naming e montagem do portfolio; Laura Thomas Horn: motion e processo de naming; Mariana Sartori: design gráfico, processo de naming e ilustrações; Rodrigo Brod: direção criativa e processo de naming; Vagner Zarpellon: direção criativa, processo de naming e atendimento.

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studio gambo